
Although it’s technically a little early, I’m starting my new year’s resolutions today and my first resolution is this: to rethink, reorganize and recommit myself to living the creative life I know I want to achieve. I’ve quickly learned just how easy it is to get caught up in the rest–in the job, the career, the city, the house, the marriages and births–and forget which things matter the most to me, right now. So that’s that. It’s time to refocus my energy into creating a positive, creative life for myself and spend a lot less time worrying about the rest.

I’m starting this blog as a sort of filing cabinet for all the great, amazing, beautiful work that I come across and would like to add to my creative library. A collection of inspiration, if you will. Something that I can revisit anytime I’m feeling stuck or stagnant with my work and hopefully find that spark to get things going again.

As I’m writing this, I’ve been listening to the newest album from The Trishas. They are a pretty amazing group of women who make great music and pretty music videos. I’ll leave you with my favorite: